An out-of-office message is an automatic reply to emails stating that you are not currently working for an extended period. These emails are very useful in letting your colleagues know that they will not get a response from you soon and when can they expect it. People can use this feature when they are on a leave due to a vacation, or any other long absence. An out-of-office email falls under the proper work ethics and etiquette.
But, writing an out of office email is a very careful process and you need to structure your email very well. Many people get confused while creating an out of office reply and always think about what to include. So, we are here to tell you how you can write a proper out of office message that is properly structured.
How to Write A Good Out-of-Office Message?
It is not very difficult to write a good out of office message contrary to what people think. The best out of office message doesn’t need to be too elaborated but it should include all the necessary information. Many people often use humour and jokes in their messages but that is completely up to you.
What we know is that a good out of office message should have certain things in it. These pieces of information are very necessary for any out of office message.
- The dates of your absence,
- A very good and valid reason for your leave
- points of contact i.e. alternate contact information on which people can reach you if the matter is very urgent and requires immediate attention
This particular information should be in any out of office reply. So, we are sure that you know what is an out of office message and how can you create a good one.
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